This 'SITCOM' is no laughing matter

This SITCOM Is no Laughing Matter

Money worries are the number 1 reason married couples split.

"A poll of over 2,000 British adults by legal firm Slater and Gordon found that money worries top the list of reasons why married couples split up, with one in five saying it was the biggest cause of marital strife."

The Independent

"About a third of adults with partners report that money is a big source of conflict"


Worrying stats when you're trying to balance the increased costs of parenthood with potentially reduced income. In a few short years you've gone from being DINKYs* to a particularly hilarious SITCOM.

Only this sitcom is the cause of tension, argument and relationship breakdown.

Because SITCOM stands for "Single Income, Two Children and Oppressive Mortgage"

Maybe you're both working, more income, but more childcare costs. Striving not Thriving?

Congratulations you are DEWKS! don't get too excited it means "Dually Employed With Kids"

Let's be honest - before your own little “DINKY” bundle of fun came along you were pretty sorted financially, decisions weren't as significant, extravagances didn't require as much thought.

No matter how you blend you finances the rules of the game have changed. Get the strategy or tactics wrong and your relationship IS at risk.


I know you’re dying to know what “DINKY” stands for…

It’s Dual Income, No Kids (Yet)