How can you improve your Work Life Balance?

Spending time with your family is key to being the type of Dad you want to be.

You want to be there for the moments that matter, because you know you can't buy time with your kids.

Exactly how you achieve the right work life balance for you will depend on the choices and priorities that are important for you and your family.

It'll be different for everyone, but some flexible working is key to unlocking work life balance.

Achieving flexible working has the power to bring significant benefits for all of society, including your employer!  It can allow your partner to return to work and help close the gender pay gap.

You want it and the benefits are clear.

So what gets in the way?

  • Fear of being seen as not 'committed'

“Twice the number of fathers compared to mothers believe flexible workers are viewed as less committed… (and) believe working flexibly will have a negative impact on their career”

Source - Working Families 2017

  • Outdated assumptions about gender roles in the workplace and at home.

Mothercare, Mumsnet and Daddy Pig all reinforce the stereotype that Dads aren't equally as skilled at looking after their children.

Good news is

Things are changing...

  • Men want to be involved - The Modern Families Index 2017 found that, when asked whether they would assess their childcare needs before taking a new job or promotion, 76 per cent of younger fathers said they would. =>Here

Figure 2_ Average age of mothers and fathers at the birth of their child, 1938 to 2016.png
  • There is general demographic shift towards having children later in life. Senior managers are more likely than their predecessors to be parents of young children, increasing the likelihood that they will promote and encourage flexible working.

Not as fast as it should...

"Workplace policies have not kept up with the social changes in people's everyday lives," according to committee chair Maria Miller, who describes "outdated assumptions" about men's and women's roles in relation to work and childcare" as a further barrier to change.

Source: House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee - Fathers and the workplace

Your action plan

  • Understand what type of flexible working you want

  • Understand the benefits for all parties.

  • Put together a business case

By harnessing the energy and desire of a new generation of dads, we can design a new way of living and working and unlock profound benefits for everyone. 

Need some help?

Bit of a kickstart?

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